Tuesday 25 September 2012

How Sports Impacts An Entrepreneur

As entrepreneurs, we sometimes wonder where our competitive and leadership qualities truly originate. What really differentiates entrepreneurs from one another?

In order to start answering these queries, we decided to analyze different men that we consider successful in our modern day world, and we collected studies that have shown men who play sports in their younger years tend to be better leaders and entrepreneurs in their respective fields.

“Being a competitive athlete you acquire attributes that make you a better leader”

Athletic self-starters do not gain success because they are in better shape then others. They prove themselves off the court with their focused mentality and competitive nature that you can only attain through a participation in a sport. Entrepreneurs prove to be efficient leaders and their success is 85% dependent on how well they can run their organization at the maximum level of productivity.

Competitive Nature

Sports and business ventures overlapped, because one always faces challenges and will not give up until they succeed in the face of obstacles. More importantly, a competitive nature becomes instilled in the mind; you believe winning is everything and that second place is for losers. Our minds shift gears towards rising to the top and we refuse not to dominate in the realm of business and sports.

This competitive nature never departs our minds, and we perfect everything just to make sure we keep our positions at the top of the ladder. Only athletes effectively utilize this nature and often carry over their passion and potential into their respective work world. 


There will always be a designated leader of a team, and if you are reading this you are most likely that elite leader. The team’s performance relies entirely on the leader’s ability to motivate others and perform at their own best. No team in the history of sports has ever gone on to win a championship without a great leader on their team. Therefore, an elite entrepreneur follows the same duties as an athlete and must lead his company to the top of the industry.
An entrepreneur must take charge of the team and steer the ship home safely. Companies’ future rests on the back of the leader; their mental toughness must endure through thick and thin. Although business and sports leadership occupy two different categories, the potential abilities are definitely synonymous. 


In sports, one routinely comes across situations filled with extreme pressure, where every single move dictates the total outcome of the game. Some games come down to the wire and no one is ever perfect. Nonetheless, you face these battles and make decisions that can have major rewards and consequences. A player’s value is judged by how well he can handle pressure and stay clam throughout a game. Time and time again, we have seen great players choke under pressure, but true greatness can last through pressure.
In business, one deals with many tasks that could have huge impacts on peoples lives. As a leader of your company, your employees depend on you and your ability to make appropriate decisions. Deadlines become a huge factor and can heighten the feeling of pressure. A true leader must know how buckle down, use the mental toughness to follow through and ultimately succeed.


No athlete can reach their true potential without practice. All must practice at their highest ability and continually work to perfect their game. In addition, athletics raise their caliber by strengthening the weaker aspects of their game. An entrepreneur will have both strengths and weaknesses, but must always work like a perfectionist to transform their weaknesses into more strengths. Perfection is essential key for success.


Everyone possesses many obstacles in their way before they are crowned the victor. Some obstacles will be overwhelming demanding, but perseverance, drive and heart keeps a leader going and fighting for their ultimate goal.
We all know that the field of business is not the easiest game on the planet. An entrepreneur will have to jump over tough hurdles to come even close to the finish line. Much like sports, nothing is ever given to you, and you will struggle for every single thing you want to accomplish. One needs some perseverance and mental toughness to get through all the rough patches that lie in the path.
As we can see, many similar traits prove vital in the realms of sports and business. Studies show that athletes in their past are better leaders as well as business men because of the qualities of that only develop on the field

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